2025 Open House
Thank you for your interest in Woodhaven Preschool! Our purpose as
a preschool is to introduce your child to an environment that
encourages the development of social relationships, to provide play
experiences that contribute to the developmental needs of your child
and provide instructed learning, based on your child's individual needs
and abilities. Our staff is committed to providing a happy, educational,
and safe environment for your child. We provide opportunities for
your child to grow in a Christian environment– spiritually, mentally,
socially, and emotionally.

Important Dates
OPEN HOUSE DATE: January 15th at 10:00 am
Community registration will be held on Thursday, January 16th at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Spaces are filled by lottery.
Classes Offered
Two-Year-Old Classes
(must be two by 08/31/25)
2 days: Monday & Wednesday
2 days: Tuesday & Thursday
2 days: Tuesday & Thursday
Three-Year-Old Classes
(must be three by 08/31/25)
2 days: Tuesday & Thursday
3 days: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
3 days: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Four-Year-Old Classes
(must be four by 08/31/25)
3 days: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
4 days: Monday - Thursday
5 days: Monday - Friday
4 days: Monday - Thursday
5 days: Monday - Friday
Transition Class
(must be five by 08/31/25)
Monthly Tuition
*A one-time supply fee of $60 will be due with September tuition
2 days: $245
3 days: $290
4 days: $340
5 days: $380

Teacher/Student Ratio
There is one Lead Teacher & Floating Assistant with the following ratios:
Two & Three year old classes: six children
Four-year classes: seven children
Transition class: seven children
Two & Three year old classes: six children
Four-year classes: seven children
Transition class: seven children
Our curriculum is developed by our staff to provide age appropriate
activities designed to meet the individual needs of each child. The two
and three year olds use a theme-based curriculum. The four year olds
and transition class use the Letterland curriculum endorsed by Wake
County. Instruction is provided through centers in the following areas:
Reading skills covered are verbalizing, pre-writing, letter
recognition, listening skills, and memory.
Math skills covered are number recognition, shapes, and sets,
measuring, patterning, and counting.
Science activities are generally hands on experiments that relate to the
current theme/letter.
Gross Motor Development
Activities provided at music and playground time enhance good
muscle control, for example; catching and throwing of ball, jumping,
Fine Motor Development
Activities such as drawing, painting, writing, and tracing,
playdough and finger plays encourage fine motor development.
School Schedule
Class hours are from 9:15 am to 1:15 pm each day. The parent
provides snack & lunch. Classes begin in September and end in May.
We follow Wake County traditional school calendar pertaining to
teacher workdays and holidays.
We use praise and positive reinforcement as an effective method of
behavior management. We use redirection to encourage
appropriate behavior.
There will be a $125 non-refundable registration fee payable at the
time of registration. All children must be current on required
immunizations. *No waivers accepted