Sunday School
Classes begin at 9:10 am
We learn to be followers of Jesus in community together. Each week, we gather in small groups to learn, grow and connect. Listed below are the different Bible Study classes which are all open and welcoming of new members. If you are interested in a particular class, feel free to show up. Upon entering the building, one of our greeters will be happy to help you find a good fit. You can also refer to our map for help navigating the building!

We are an Intergenerational class that does book studies related to bible backgrounds and different topics. Come join us!
BLDG #2 (Fellowship Hall Building) - lower level. rm207L
BLDG #2 (Fellowship Hall Building) - lower level. rm207L
Juggling with Grace
We are a class ranging of 50 year olds that do various studies on bible books or topics. Come join us!
BLDG #2 (Fellowship Hall Building) - lower level, rm208L
BLDG #2 (Fellowship Hall Building) - lower level, rm208L
We are generally a couple’s class of ages 50 to 60 years old although there are few singles and splinters (one spouse in one class and another teaching or in a separate class). We generally have children that are grown, and several have grandkids. We have several get-togethers outside of the class each year. We welcome new members!
BLDG #2 (Fellowship Hall Building) - lower level. rm209-210L
BLDG #2 (Fellowship Hall Building) - lower level. rm209-210L
We are a class of ages 50 to 60 years old that do biblical book studies or topical studies.
BLDG #2 (Fellowship Hall Building) – upper level. Conference Room
BLDG #2 (Fellowship Hall Building) – upper level. Conference Room
We are a class of 60 years old and older! Come join us!
BLDG #2 (Fellowship Hall Building) - Fellowship Hall rm200
BLDG #2 (Fellowship Hall Building) - Fellowship Hall rm200
Almost Gold
We are a class of 60 years old and older! Come join us!
BLDG #1 (Preschool Building) – rm 109/110
BLDG #1 (Preschool Building) – rm 109/110
To access the online Sunday School links, contact the church office here.
Member Login
To access the member login page, please contact the church office at (919) 362 - 0127 or email admin Karen.